The phone does not see available wifi networks. Why doesn't my phone see the router's Wi-Fi network? Wi-Fi authentication error on Android

Hello! Yes, I will write again about problems with Wi-Fi :). Someone needs to fight capricious wireless networks, which usually provide more inconvenience during setup than pleasure during use. A lot different problems arises, and most of them are difficult to even explain.

Today I will write about one of these problems. And I will give some recommendations that may help you solve it. But I can’t guarantee anything, I hope you understand.

What does the problem look like?

I think that after reading the title of this article, you can already understand what this article is about. I began to notice comments in which people wrote that their devices, be it a laptop, a computer with an adapter, a phone, a tablet, game console, does not see their home Wi-Fi network. It is simply not in the list of networks available for connection. Wherein, neighboring networks the device sees. But why? I thought for a long time, but could not come up with a logical explanation for this problem.

By the way, such nonsense can occur even after some work with Wi-Fi, that is, everything was working, you turned off the laptop (for example), turned it on, but it no longer sees your network.

Here you need to act quickly and save your phone or other equipment from flying into a wall or window :)

Attention! This article is about when a device does not see a wireless network, but only one network, for example, while other neighboring networks are detected.

The device does not see Wi-Fi [possible solution]

Roman left the following comment on the site:

To be honest, I didn't know what to recommend. But then I thought again and realized that, as a rule, the most incomprehensible problems arise due to the channel on which the wireless network operates, or rather due to interference on the channel.

And I advised you to experiment with channels, as written in the article. Roman changed channel (unfortunately, he didn’t write which one he installed, but it doesn’t matter, you need to experiment) and everything worked for him. The laptop saw the network. A free channel can be determined using the InSSIDer program.

I don’t know if changing the channel really helped, or just rebooting the router 🙂 but the problem was solved. By the way, Reboot the router first if any problems arise. A simple reboot often helps.

There was also a comment where the game console stopped seeing the home wireless network. But I don’t know how it all ended.

You can also try experimenting with the mode of operation of the router, I wrote about this in the article.

Perhaps you have already encountered this problem and somehow solved it differently, or please leave your thoughts on this issue in the comments. And I will update the article and add useful material.

Bye everyone!

Also on the site:

The laptop (phone, tablet) does not see the home page Wi-Fi network(sees neighbors) updated: February 7, 2018 by: admin

So, what to do if this unfortunate inscription appears? There are several reasons for this unpleasant situation and options for getting out of it.
Sometimes the phone does not connect to wifi and says wpa2 protection is saved. This can happen both when trying to connect to a public network or to a home one. This mostly applies to Android devices. This can be done equally by tablets and smartphones.
So, what to do if this unfortunate inscription appears? There are several reasons for this unpleasant situation and options for getting out of it.
Let's start by rebooting the router
1. Select the correct region. To do this, go to the "Wireless" tab and in the "Region" line, select the name of your country and save.
2. Check the wireless network password. Before changing your password, try connecting again. To do this, click on your network and delete it. Then click on the network again, enter the password, make sure it is correct and try to connect.
3. Check the Wi-Fi network operating mode in the router settings. This may be the main cause of the problem. Your tablet or smartphone may simply not support the operating mode of this router. Check whether the device will work with other parameters, remembering to restart the router and disconnect and connect Wi-Fi on your smartphone or tablet after each change you make.
4. Check the security type and encryption type, change the router password in the settings. You need to set the following: WPA/WPA2 – Personal, WPA-PSK version, AES encryption. The PSK password must consist of eight digits. Then we save the new settings, reboot the router and disconnect and reconnect the phone. Don't forget to do the same on other devices running from the same wireless network.
5. Change the working Wi-Fi channel. Of course, this rarely happens, but it’s worth trying to experiment with the channels to be one hundred percent sure.
6. Change the width of the connection channel. To do this, you need to go to the router settings. In the “wireless network” tab, change the value opposite the “channel width” line, save the changes and reboot the device.
In conclusion, answering the question why the Android phone does not connect to wifi, writes saved protected, it is worth noting this can be like technical problems, as well as a number of errors associated with forgetfulness or inattention of users. There is an opinion that the reason lies in the Android OS itself, or rather in small flaws that cause various unpleasant moments. But if it happens that there is a problem with your Wi-Fi connection, you can successfully deal with it using these tips.

Sometimes a problem arises such as not being able to connect Android to a wireless point. How to solve this problem? Find out in this article!

And so you came to visit or are in a cafe, or perhaps you bought a new router and configured it to distribute the Internet via WI-FI, but your Android smartphone or tablet does not want to connect to the network or does not even see it! Don't worry, there is a way out!

Possible problems and solutions

1. If Android sees the network, but cannot connect to it, make sure that you enter correct password!

2. If Android sees the network, but cannot connect to it - maybe Android does not support protection type installed in the router, change the type of protection (read router settings below)

3. If Android does not see the network, make sure that WI-FI network is functioning, reboot the router (on/off)

4. If Android does not see the network, perhaps Android does not support WI-FI standard

5. If Android sees the network, but cannot connect to it, restart Android and the router

6. If Android sees the network, but cannot connect to it, install it on your device from the Google Play store special application- Wi-Fi Fixer. After installation, reboot Android and if it doesn’t start wifi app Fixer, launch it yourself, then try connecting to the access point (no need to enter any settings into the application)

7. If Android sees the network, but cannot connect to it, although the password is entered correctly - perhaps Android does not support WI-FI standard on which the router is running (read below for setting up the router)

8. If you have custom firmware installed on your Android tablet or smartphone, then this may be the problem, reinstall it to the official one

9. Reverse advice to the previous one, if installed official firmware, then you should change it to a custom one (for example, CyanogenMod), since it’s possible that the WI-FI driver has already been updated there

12. Perhaps you have a Dlink router?

Setting up the router

First of all, you need to get into the router settings.

Go to router settings

To do this, it is better to use a computer, as well as the FireFox browser or Internet Explorer. Let's open one of them. Next, you need to find out the entry address, which can be found by knowing the network gateway.

This address must be entered into the address bar and go. Next, you will be asked to enter your username and password, which, as often happens, is located on the bottom of the router case.

Setting up WI-FI

1. First of all, if Android does not connect, you should switch the WI-FI channel to auto

2. Change the WI-FI transmission mode standard to Mix or G only

3. It is also worth checking the number of allowed device connections to the wireless network

4. Try changing the network security method, change the encryption type from open to WPA

5. Another point worth paying attention to is the enabled DHCP server, which allows you to give internal IP addresses on the network. If you disable the DHCP server, you may experience problems connecting to WI-FI and not only with Android devices!

6. Make sure that the MAC filter is not installed in the settings!

A MAC address is a personal (individual) serial number of a network device.

Depending on the router, there may be white lists of MAC addresses or black lists.

Blacklisted- devices that are prohibited from entering the network, but other devices can.

White list- only those devices that are in this list and no other devices can connect.

To find out the personal MAC address of Android you need to go to

Settings -> About smartphone (Tablet) -> General information

Try disabling the MAC address filter to resolve the connection problem.

If after all the data Android settings does not connect to WI-FI, then you should update the firmware either on your smartphone or tablet, as well as on the router, in rare cases there is simply incompatibility, then nothing can be done!

The connection process is accompanied by the following comments operating system:

  • Connection;
  • Authentication;
  • Saved, WPA protection

When unsuccessful authentication of the user-provided password occurs authentication error.

First of all it's worth re-enter password manually and try to establish a connection with the access point. After making changes to the router settings, you must delete network from the memory of an Android device, which can “remember” the previous identifier. This is done quite simply:

  • open on your smartphone Wi-Fi settings and find the desired network;
  • then press on it with your finger and select the item that appears “ Forget»;

Even when choosing " Change» authentication problems are not always solved, so the best solution will reset all settings.

The problem of connecting old devices is solved regime change. It comes in three types:

  • b– up to 11 Mbit/s;
  • g– up to 54 Mbit/s;
  • n– up to 600 Mbit/s.

Old devices does not work in 11bgn mode it is mixed, since they do not support the last one - n. The issue is being resolved installation 11bg mixed, after which reconnection is made without errors.

Infinitely obtaining an IP address

This problem may be due to the fact that the router disabled DHCP server parameter. Moreover, such a situation sometimes turns out to be simply consequence imperfect operating system.

The location of the parameter in the router interface may differ depending on the manufacturer. TP-Link, for example, takes it out a separate item main navigation menu.

Most quick way which is worth trying is reboot router. Then it will reset all its parameters to default values ​​and the DHCP server should turn on automatically.

If the connection is still unavailable, most likely the problem lies directly in the device on Android. To solve it you need:

After the above changes, the connection should work properly.

Problems with the router

Sometimes a smartphone can simply do not see the desired network. This is often due to settings channel - a certain subfrequency, which is a kind of road, a route between the device and the router.

The router can support up to 13 such “roads”, and some mobile devices only 10. Thus, if, for example, channel 11 is set in the router settings, the smartphone will simply does not see this “road”, and therefore ignores this access point.

Changing this parameter is not difficult. For example, in devices manufactured by TP-Link this is done as follows:

When surrounded a large number of access points, it is better to set the mode to " Auto" Then the router will independently select a free one from the available channels. If there are not many networks around, it is worth choosing a specific channel, which will allow speed up the process traffic exchange. To solve the problem with connecting an Android device, you need to select a channel within 10.

Recently I helped one of my blog readers solve a problem with a wireless network. The gist of it was that his phone did not connect to the WiFi router. Moreover, it was not just some cheap Chinese Lenovo, but an expensive (albeit also Chinese) fashion iPhone 6S. We spent a lot of time, tried many different options and, in the end, found a solution to the problem. Looking ahead, I will say that the “root of evil” was the incorrect configuration of the home router.
After all this, I decided to combine all our actions into one universal instruction - what to do if a tablet or phone does not connect to Wi-Fi, does not see the network, or sees it but cannot connect to it. Go.

1. The phone does not see the WiFi network

The most common reason is a mismatch between the region settings for the router and the tablet or phone. The fact is that almost all home routers and access points that are sold in Russia have the “Russia” region set by default, which uses 13 radio frequency channels. But phones, especially those brought from abroad, have a different region by default, which may have 10 or 11 channels. This is exactly the problem that most often occurs with iPhone smartphones and iPad tablets that came to us from the USA. The funny thing is that you can connect to the router, enjoy the delights of a wireless network for some time, and one day discover that your phone does not see the router’s WiFi network. The solution is very simple. First, reboot your router. With a high degree of probability, after a restart it will occupy another radio channel and everything will work fine again. To avoid falling into the trap again, you can go to the router’s settings by entering its IP (or) in the address bar of the browser. After this, you need to go to the main WiFi settings:

In the “Region” field, try replacing “Russia” with the value “USA”:

You can do without changing the region. In the “Channel” list, replace “Auto” with the value 1 or 6:

As a rule, after this, iPhones no longer lose the wireless network and everything works like clockwork.

2. Can't connect to Wi-Fi

In this case, usually all devices see the wireless network without problems, but when they try to connect to it, they are simply rejected. There are several options here:
- Endless connection
This usually happens when the communication standards used on the devices do not match. For example, the router is forced to use 802.11n, but the smartphone uses 802.11b or 802.11g. Or vice versa. Therefore, it is best to set the router to a mixed type - 802.11bgn.

- Infinite authorization
This very trouble can happen if the password on the router is changed, but the old one remains in the smartphone’s memory, which is why it cannot connect to the WiFi network. Try to find it in the list of available ones, click on it and select the “Delete this network” option in the menu that appears.

After that, select again from the list and try to connect.
It doesn’t help - then go to the security settings of the router and try setting the “WPA2-PSK” standard with “AES” encryption.

If this does not help, completely disable security and observe how the connection proceeds.

- The message “Obtaining an IP address” appears
This usually happens when the DHCP server is disabled in the router settings. We go to the web configurator, find the LAN or DHCP section and make sure that the DHCP server item is set to “Enable”.

Sometimes you may get stuck in obtaining an IP address due to the fact that a static IP address is registered in the Wi-Fi settings on the phone or tablet itself. To check this, open the “Settings” -> “WiFi” section and click on the connected network. In the menu that appears, select “Change”. A window like this will open in which you need to check the “Advanced” box. Next, make sure that the “IP address” field contains the value “DHCP”.

3. There is a connection, but no Internet

Start by checking whether other phones, tablets or laptops work through this Wi-Fi. Are they working? Then we go into our device, namely “Settings”>>>”Wi-Fi”>>>”Change network”:

We check whether work through a proxy server is enabled.
This option is also possible, although very, very rare, when an incorrect or non-working DNS server is assigned when connecting. It’s easy to check - in your phone, click on the desired network, select “Change” in the menu, check the “Advanced” box, “Manual” IP address and enter the full IP address from the router’s subnet, mask and gateway. But in the DNS servers field we enter the following values:

On an Android phone or tablet it looks like this:

These are public DNS from Google and Yandex. They are 100% working, which will completely eliminate this option.

If none of the above methods help, then try this. Take your device and check it on another wireless network - from a friend, acquaintance or comrade. If there the phone or tablet does not connect to WiFi router too, then the problem is clearly in your device and it needs to be taken in for repair.

Often Android users They are faced with the fact that the smartphone or tablet does not connect to wifi, it says “saved”, but there is no connection. Alternatively, it should. Most often, this situation occurs due to malfunctions or errors. Before changing settings on your phone or tablet, you need to make sure that in your router:

  • the correct region is set;
  • the correct time is set – time desynchronization will not allow the device to create a timestamp;
  • the wireless signal operating mode is configured;
  • The encryption type is specified and supported by the device.

To make sure that you are entering the correct connection data, you can view the saved parameters in the router settings. To do this, from any connected device you need to go to the browser, enter or into the address bar (as a rule, it is registered on the router itself). In the menu that opens, find the SSID and PSK lines.

The reason why an Android smartphone does not connect to WiFi and says “Saved” may be a change in the encryption type, SSID or password.

What to do if, when connecting to WiFi, it says “Saved”, but there is no network
Regardless of whether the device is a tablet or a smartphone, the troubleshooting methods are the same:

  • Check the router settings. What to pay attention to was described above.
  • Reboot the router. Even if the router settings are correct, rebooting can help solve the problem: the connection will appear and the system will stop reporting the error.

  • Re-create the connection on your phone or tablet. To do this, you will need to delete old data.

In general, the last point, when it does not connect to Wi-Fi with WPA2 protection, but writes saved, is quite simple:

  • Delete. You need to go to Settings, click on the wireless connections tab (depending on the version, the name may differ). Having selected the desired connection, hold your finger on it and select delete in the menu that appears.
  • Reboot the device's wireless module. After this, all available networks will be searched.
  • Pass authentication. When a network is detected, you will need to re-enter the password. If the network is hidden, then you can add the SSID yourself. To do this, go to Settings – Wireless connections – Additional settings– Add new. In the window that appears, you need to write the name (SSID), security protocol and password.

These instructions should help if WiFi does not connect on your phone and it says “Saved” and “Without network access.”

The router works properly, as all phones and tablets connect to it perfectly. The catch is this: the laptop sees all the surrounding Wi-Fi networks, but it doesn’t see ours. I read the forum and some people encountered a similar problem. You write to check the driver in the task manager in the control panel. I have Windows 7 and I don’t see this at all. Please, please describe my actions in more detail. Thanks in advance.

  • Smart-Tronics

    Apparently we are talking about the driver for Wi-Fi module, which can be downloaded from the laptop manufacturer’s website. But you better first make sure that the desired channel is installed on the router, on the tab responsible for WiFi. If it says “Auto”, then this may be the reason.

    • Nikolay

      To get started, simply remove the wi-fi adapter in the device manager and update the equipment so that it can be found again. My problem was solved like this.

    • Max

    • Oksana

    • Oleg


    • Maria


    • Igorek

    • smart

    • okuznetsov

    • Novel


    • Denis


      Open the router settings, go to the section wireless connection, where you specify the wifi password, there is also a “Channel” selection field, it says auto or a number from 1 to 11

    • nvolkov7

    • Sasha

    • Anonymous

    • Ksyusha

      “You better first make sure that the correct channel is installed on the router, in the tab responsible for WiFi. If it says “Auto,” then maybe that’s the reason.” And how to do it? Can you explain it to a stupid person?


      For Android phones there is a “wifi analyzer” program, download it and install it, find your network using this program, the channel is displayed there (designation CH), if you turn off the router and turn it on after a minute, then when you analyze it again, the channel may be different. .To. The router automatically selects the least loaded one.
      Also check if your laptop sees other networks and can it connect to them?

    • Nikolay

    • artemidron

      I distribute Wi-Fi from my phone, the netbook stopped seeing it after reinstalling windows from xp to windows 7, it sees all other networks but my phone doesn’t, another device sees my phone, my phone is an old alcatel, I can’t find a channel change on it, can you tell me what to do?

    • Sasha

  • Ilya

    Hello. I have the same problem, HTC HD2 PDA distributor windows mobile 6.5. I turn on the wi-fi distributor, everything works well, the signal level in the form of an antenna, 2 weeks have passed, the icon instead of the antenna has changed to a triangle in the form of three computers, the laptop on Windows 7 sees normally. Another laptop on Windows 8 stopped seeing the network, although it sees other networks normally, the tablet on Android doesn’t see it either. Restoring the factory settings did not help, setting up wi-fi still does not help, flashing to another firmware does not help, returning to the old one, no changes. tell me what to do. thanks in advance.

  • Vania

    Hello. My laptop on Windows 8 does not see any wifi networks I don’t know what to do. My mother’s laptop sees it, my phone sees everything else, but my laptop doesn’t. Help me, what should I do?

  • Catherine

    Hello. I bought a router, all devices in the house were connected. Then all the settings merged, I reset the router to factory settings, configured
    network, as a result, the tablet, the phone sees the network, and the laptop sees it, but in a limited way. What problems might there be?


    Please tell me this question:
    My neighbor has a network without a password, I find it and successfully connect with a laptop with Win XP, but I came with a laptop of the same model with Windows 7 installed, but the neighbor’s wi-fi is not visible. EBook sees, the laptop with XP sees, but the laptop with 7 does not see this unprotected network, although it sees all the other neighboring ones with a password just fine. I've already tried everything, but I still can't see this network, but I can see the others.
    What can you do, because there is no access to the router))

  • deps

    Windows 8 sees wireless networks operating up to channel 11 inclusive. In settings Wi-Fi router or access points, change the channel to any one from 1-11, and everything will be fine.

  • Dmitriy

    Hi all. I have a similar problem.
    The router is working. 3 devices see it and work well. The 4th device (laptop) sees other networks, but does not see mine. I distributed wifi from my phone - it sees and works. On an XP laptop. What do they eat this with?? Where to look and what to turn. Help with advice if you're not too lazy. Thank you:)

  • Tarkus

    I had the same thing, just now. I came across this topic. Maybe I can help someone.

    The laptop stopped seeing my router, my neighbors saw it and connected, my other devices connected to the router normally.

    In short, I solved the problem by choosing a connection, there is such a topic in the router settings, such as b, bgn, bg, n. I put n, read that it is the fastest and everything was found)

  • Nikk

    Everything worked perfectly. But unexpectedly, a certain Wi-Fi network disappeared. The laptop sees the rest of the networks, but not the one it needs. However, the phone perfectly catches this network and connects to it. And it works fine with it. But the laptop does not see it. To other networks The laptop can connect. However, it does not want to connect to its native one.

  • Hellen

    Good afternoon, tell me, my laptop doesn’t see my Wi-Fi, it sees all the neighboring ones, but mine doesn’t, if you connect the wire directly to the laptop, the Internet works. What should I do? I’ve already found similar problems here, but I still don’t understand what needs to be updated there and how I can solve this problem, please explain in more detail, I’m not very good at setting up laptops. Thank you in advance.

  • Hellen

  • Gennady

  • Tanya

    good afternoon, there is such a problem, the tablet cannot find the Wi-Fi point in the phone, although my point in the phone is visible through the laptop and another phone, what should I do?

  • sea

    My WiFi does not see ONLY my network on my laptop, does anyone know why? Shows there are 15 neighbors' networks in the house, but not mine! Is there something in Windows or the registry that needs to be deleted? (There is a router. On Windows laptop XP. Moreover, a netbook, 3 phones and a tablet work via WiFi).

Today, portable devices are gaining more and more popularity compared to personal computers, and there are a number of reasons for this. Modern laptops, tablets and phones are not just compact in size. They communicate with the Internet via Wi-Fi, and this is important, because Wi-Fi networks are quite widespread today. It is available in cafes, restaurants, libraries, train stations and even in public transport. All this thanks to the Wi-Fi module found in portable devices. However, sometimes this wireless connection It doesn't work quite correctly.

A little about Wi-Fi coverage

The Wi-Fi network is wireless and based on IEEE-802.11. Today the data transfer speed through this network can reach 600 Mb/s. Wi-Fi coverage has a number of positive aspects, namely:

  • To connect to a phone, laptop or tablet, you don't need a cable at all. Thus, the amount of cash costs is reduced.
  • The owner of a phone, tablet or any other portable device is not limited to a specific place. The Internet can be used anywhere the user desires.
  • Wi-Fi coverage can be used without problems by owners of phones, tablets and smartphones.
  • Despite the fact that there is only one Wi-Fi network in the room, many users with a phone or tablet can simultaneously connect to it.

Reasons for Wi-Fi connection failures

The reason such as the portable device being too far from the connection point, that is, the router, is not worth mentioning. The main thing is to maintain the required distance. However, if a laptop, phone or tablet is located a few meters from wireless router and there is no connection, there are several reasons for this. So here are the reasons:

  • Older laptop models have a special small button to turn on/off the Wi-Fi connection. Therefore, it is worth checking that the connection is simply turned on. In new models, you can use a key combination, for example, Fn and F2, to enable Wi-Fi access. The device documentation will provide further assistance.

  • The next reason is damage to the drivers that provide quality work Wi-Fi module. The problem is easily solved by reinstalling the drivers, which can be downloaded using the manufacturer's official website. Other sites may offer low-quality products.
  • Sometimes the adapter module does not work at all. This is caused by the lack of a special utility that allows you to manage your wireless network. The utility can be found on the manufacturer’s website or installed from the disk included with the laptop.
  • Sometimes the Wi-Fi connection is completely unavailable. This refers to cases when all devices recognize the network, but one of the devices does not. In this situation, you first need to turn off the router for 10-30 seconds and then turn it on again. Sometimes the problem occurs due to an unexpected failure in the router settings. All you need to do is configure it again. In this situation, the best assistance will be provided by the provider’s support service, because each provider has its own type of settings.
  • It also happens that the signal is almost imperceptible and is characterized by a low level. At the same time, some devices recognize the Wi-Fi connection, but connection is still impossible. This situation may arise if the router is located quite far from the laptop, phone or tablet.

  • Theoretically, the cause could be a breakdown of the Wi-Fi module in a laptop or some other device. Moreover, if the warranty is still valid, you can easily exchange the purchased product. If you have an old device, repairs can be very expensive. Therefore, many advise purchasing a Wi-Fi adapter external use, which is quite affordable.

So, it is important to remember that it is not enough to just purchase a router, connect the appropriate cable to it and connect to the Wi-Fi network. Setting is required, which is best left to a specialist.

Users modern smartphones They know that you can fully use all the functions of the device only if you are connected to high-speed Internet. Despite the development of mobile 3G and 4G Internet technologies, many people prefer to use it to access the network if possible. Wi-Fi connection. At the same time, situations often arise when the phone does not see Wi-Fi. We will look at why this happens and what to do to fix the problem in this article. But first, let’s briefly look at an extremely interesting smartphone model, with which you will definitely never have problems accessing the Internet. This .

Briefly about Wileyfox smartphones

We decided to pay attention to this young promising brand for a number of reasons. The company entered the mobile gadgets market in October 2015. Thanks to the significant advantages that each model from the Wileyfox smartphone line has, the company managed to quickly gain not only the trust of users, but also attract interest from experts. These are functions and features such as:

  • Work with two SIM cards;
  • Support mobile networks 4G LTE data transmission;
  • Stylish original design and high-quality materials used in the manufacture of the case;
  • Powerful hardware components and high quality components and elements;
  • Loyal pricing policy.

The new brand was noticed and received support both in the market and among experts. The most important achievements of the company:

  • Experts from Forbes magazine named the Wileyfox Swift smartphone of the year in December 2015;
  • The brand won first place at the British Mobile News Awards 2016 in the manufacturer of the year category;
  • In October 2016, the authoritative online publication Hi-Tech, summing up the results, awarded the Wileyfox Spark+ model first place in the category “ Best smartphone up to 10,000 rubles.”

The device attracts attention with its original design and powerful hardware. The stylish modern model has a fingerprint scanner and NFC module. Traditionally for modern smartphones, Wileyfox Swift 2 has Glonass, GPS and Assisted GPS navigation modules on board. High speed and performance are provided by a powerful 8-core Qualcomm Snapdragon 430 MSM8937 processor with an operating frequency of 1.4 GHz.

The model is equipped with 2 GB of RAM and 32 GB of internal memory. It is possible to install a microSDXC card up to 64 GB. The device received a 16-megapixel main camera and an 8-megapixel front camera module.

Most often the problem is connecting a smartphone to a wireless Wi-Fi Internet appears if the distributing equipment is not a router, but a laptop. It is worth noting that, in fact, it does not matter which device “distributes” access. The connection principle does not change. The network is exactly the same as from the most ordinary router.

The only differences are that the router has a wider range of settings and parameters. Most often, the phone does not see the Wi-Fi network created on the laptop due to the fact that it was not organized correctly. Yes, when creating Wi-Fi The network on the laptop has the ability to connect like “computer to computer”. Your smartphone simply will not be able to recognize this type of network, since it is designed only to work with computers and laptops.

But if the network is organized by a router, you first need to look at its parameters, since they are configured in the router. The fact is that the Android operating system on which your smartphone runs is created with the expectation that the user practically does not have to configure anything. And if your phone does not see the Wi-Fi router, then most likely the problem is in the router or laptop that distributes the Internet.

There can be only four reasons why the phone does not see Wi-Fi:

  • Error when entering the network password (security key);
  • Incorrect router settings;
  • Router malfunction (software freeze);
  • Error in Android OS.

The last reason is extremely rare, but you shouldn’t completely discount it. Now let's look at each of these reasons in more detail.

Often the phone cannot connect to wireless wifi network because you are entering the security key incorrectly. To ensure that all characters are entered correctly, check the “Show password” box when entering it. Check carefully that each character is entered correctly, taking into account the case and language of the key input. You are probably entering wrong password simply because he was forgotten. In this case, you need to connect to the router.

This can only be done through desktop computer or laptop. To enter the router security settings, you need to enter the IP address of your router in the address bar on your computer. This information is contained in the user manual for the router and on its case. But even if you don’t know the address, the situation is not hopeless.

Just run command line and run the IPCONFIG command, after which you will receive all the information about the connections. In the window, find the line “Default gateway” - this is where the address needed to connect to the router is displayed. When you access it in the address bar of your browser, you will need to log in. By default, the login and password are set to “admin”.

After you connect to the router's management interface, you need to find the security settings menu. Depending on the router model, this menu may be in different places, but most often it is located in the advanced settings. In the “Encryption key” line you will find the password to enter the wireless network. It is this that must be entered when connecting the smartphone to Wi-Fi.

Router settings

The inability of a mobile gadget to connect to a wireless network can also be explained by errors in the router settings. The problem may be that modern routers use DHCP technology, which means that connection information is sent to the smartphone automatically. This is what everyone is counting on Android devices- they are waiting for an IP address to connect. But if the address is not sent, connection becomes impossible.

The problem may be that this function is disabled on the router. To check this and enable it, you also need to go into your router settings. The option we need is in the “LAN” section. In this section you need to enable DHCP by selecting the “Allow” option. After this, you need to reboot the router and try to connect to the network using your phone.

The phone may not see or not connect to the network because the router is frozen. Despite this failure, your laptop or computer can continue to work and connect to the Internet without any problems. A router malfunction may simply result in DHCP being stuck. As a result, it turns out that previously connected devices to the router work normally, but new ones cannot connect. Similar problems may occur with other router options.

To eliminate this possibility and fix the problem, just reboot the router. To do this, you don’t need to go into its settings, and you don’t even need a laptop or computer. Just turn off the power to the router and turn it on again after a few minutes. After that, try again to connect to the network from your smartphone. It is worth noting that such problems are typical not only for budget routers. It’s just that on expensive models such errors occur less frequently.

Android OS malfunction

If, after you have checked all the likely causes of the router’s malfunction, but you cannot connect to the network, the last option left is why the phone does not see Wi-Fi - a malfunction in the operating system of the smartphone itself. Installed in mobile gadgets wireless adapters, which may produce errors or freeze. In the case of a telephone, no settings are provided for the user. Just try restarting your smartphone.


If, after doing all the above operations, you still cannot connect to the network with your phone, the problem probably lies deeper. Try connecting to a different wireless network. If you are also plagued by failure, you need to seek help from service center for repairing your phone model.