What programs get subscribers on Telegram. Boosted subscriptions and fraud in Telegram. Cheating bots, programs for cheating

Telegram boost is a powerful tool in creating an audience for blogging, business, advertising, etc. The popularity of the messenger and its capabilities give the right to call Telegram a full-fledged social network.

Telegram is an excellent opportunity to occupy a thematic niche while other social networks are bursting with competition.

If you are confident in your abilities and have the necessary knowledge or skills, go for it. Quality content will never go unnoticed. But at the start, anyone, even a talented person, needs a minimum audience to attract attention.

Many thematic communities have thousands of subscribers, occupying leading positions. A large audience makes it possible to place paid advertising and other benefits.

To gain initial popularity, it is not at all necessary to invite your entire list of contacts to your channel. To be successful at the start, you need minimal channel traffic, and due to Telegram blocking, people sometimes simply stop logging into the messenger. You need You need to attract an active audience, regular users of the application. Which, out of all sources of information, prefer Telegram channels.

Attracting an audience occurs faster, provided that the channel has a specific topic. That's how people remember what it's about. Posts from the category of “everything about everything” or entries in a “diary” can only be afforded by already popular people. Add some posts to your channel. Remember that the main thing is not quantity, but quality.

The optimal amount of text in a post is 500 characters. As soon as you gain an established audience, you will be able to afford long sayings. Posts longer than two mobile screens are not read to the end. The exception is instructions, recipes, etc.

Cheating telegrams also requires interactivity for the audience - arrange polls, because even votes for them can be attracted through promotion programs.

The question arises of where to attract the necessary audience to your channel. In response to the emerging demand, many proposals appeared:

  • subscriber exchange exchanges;
  • services for boosting subscribers;
  • bot cheating services;
  • services for boosting views;
  • paid services for increasing live subscribers.

Cheating bots, programs for cheating

The psychology of social network users is such that people will only subscribe to popular blogs. That is, to attract an audience, you cannot do without increasing the initial viewing figures. The most popular online resources for attracting bots:

Doctorsmm.comHere, in addition to bots, you also come across live subscribers. The site is relatively new. It has gained great popularity because it offers a relatively low price with good workmanship. Issue price – 1000 pcs. for 1149 rub.
Prtut.ruThe site gives a small percentage on top of your order. This is done to improve the quality of the service. Indeed, often, after bots are cheated, a situation occurs in which unsubscribes are canceled after some time. Price – 1249 rub. for 1000 pieces.
Vto.peThe service operates free of charge, based on the principle of exchange. Complete tasks of other users - join groups, like them, add them as friends. For your work you get points, which you spend on promoting your channel in Telegram. The website claims 2,750,000 users, which is impressive.
Avi1.ruThe site is an old-timer among competitors in this area. During its operation, it managed to gain great popularity among users. The average price for 1000 subscriber accounts you will pay no more than 1060 rubles.
Kwork.ruBy itself, the site is not a service for building an audience. This is a freelance services exchange. But among the paid offers here, every now and then there are profitable offers to get subscribers to a telegram channel, with a guarantee of quality.

Cheating likes

Before you can gain subscribers on Telegram, you must first make it possible to be active - like. This gives you the opportunity to see what information your audience needs more. With the help of dislikes, you will see which posts were perceived negatively in order to avoid such mistakes in the future.

People judge the quality of content by the number of positive reactions. In telegram it looks like this:

Also, the number of likes immediately demonstrates the activity of subscribers on the channel. Despite the fact that almost every novice blogger uses promotion programs, few people will have the desire to subscribe to a channel with a large number of “dead” subscribers. There seem to be a lot of subscribers, but no one leaves likes - this raises suspicion.

To create likes in your Telegram channel:

  1. Launch @LikeBot. To do this, open a new dialog, add the name of the bot in the search field. To activate the bot, write /start in the dialog.
  2. Choose emotions that will reflect likes and dislikes on your posts.
  3. Make the bot the administrator of the desired channel.

Now your channel has an indicator of audience activity, which will help a newbie navigate your channel.

You can order likes on the sites:

  • Smmlaba.com/telegram/telegramknopki.html – here you indicate the link to your account, the number of required clicks on the button, its serial number, and the speed of the promotion. Speed ​​varies from very low (1-5 votes per 5 minutes) to very high (30 voices per minute). Based on your data, the program calculates the cost of your order. For example, 300 likes at a speed of 2 votes per minute will cost you 195 rubles.
  • Likemeru – on the site, clicking a button costs an average of 1 ruble. The site administration is responsible for quality. That is, unlike other resources, likes will not disappear as time passes after the order is completed.
  • Tru – here you can select the audience segment for likes: gender, age, region of residence. The cost of a live audience is 4.99 rubles per like.

Boost Telegram views

Cheating bots in Telegram, comparing prices on popular sites (top search in Google):

Free cheat: how to do it

  • Free reward sites for completing tasks. Earn points and spend them on promoting your channel.

To work on such sites you only need to register. Then you choose tasks - there is a large choice: ask a question on ask.fm, subscribe on Instagram, VK, watch a video on YouTube. Prices for assignments also vary. If you are not in a hurry to cheat, this is the best free option.

The only downside is that no one can vouch for the quality of the subscribers they get.

Sites that work on this principle are the most optimal solution for attracting audiences to Telegram for free.

  • You can also search in Telegram for administrator chats, where proposals for mutual subscriptions or other activities are exchanged.

Here you can find really interesting channels, or just subscribe “for show” to get a mutual subscription. The process of endlessly subscribing to other people's channels can be a challenge. The downside of this method is that within a day your channel can become incredibly active. This will most likely repel new subscribers, provided that the number of your subscribers is much less than the number of views and likes.

In addition, with a large influx of activity, it will be difficult for you to keep track of who managed to unfollow you. One day your channel will be visited by up to 300 people, and the next day your post will receive 1-2 likes and views. Whether you need this method is up to you.

  • One of the ways to increase views on Telegram by real people is to place a link to your channel in directories. For example, catalog-tcom. Come up with a captivating description for your channel and get live subscribers.

There are many other directories on the Internet; you can post your channel wherever you have time. Indicate the topics in which your channel is conducted. When users choose who to follow, you will have a chance that subscribers will contact you with the help of recommendations. You shouldn’t count on hundreds of subscribers a day, but any blogger will want to have at least 10 truly interested people.

“You have few subscribers and would like to increase your audience? You don’t have enough views, but you want it to be from 500 to 3000 with 300 subscribers?”

To bookmarks

Sounds tempting, doesn't it?

So, if you want to increase your audience, take high-quality advertising. Does your channel have few views? What to do? Take quality advertising! And also try to make sure that your content is reposted, so that it is heard in the Telegam media. And never, hear, NEVER fall for tempting headlines and don’t get yourself subscribers. Neither at your own expense, nor for the “disservice” of your advertiser. Even if he is not a bot, but a living person. Why?


  • If you came to Telegram to make content, there are probably two reasons: either this is your blog/any other entertainment, or you came to make money (from advertising, courses, attracting traffic to your site, etc.). By gaining subscribers, you pay for people who, most likely, don’t give a damn about what you write about in your channel. Whatever goal you choose, with cheating, in the end everything turns out very badly. In the first case, people simply will not be interested in reading you. So why create a channel then? For ghosts? Secondly, if your subscribers are “artificial”, how will you sell advertising? Well, yes, there are a bunch of inexperienced admins who, before taking advertising from you, will not check ERR (engagement), statistics and your latest advertising purchases. What about the rest? It’s already 2018, people are starting channels and starting to figure out where advertising is really high-quality and where it’s not.
  • Excessive subscribers tend to unsubscribe, and bots rarely, but are still cleaned by Telegram.

1. Books (SEO exchanges)

There are some books (SEO exchanges) that pay for views, subscriptions, etc. Among the famous: SeoSprint, SocPublic. It looks like this:

The same page separately describes the benefits for advertisers:

Fast - yes. Effective - I don't think so.

2. Bots in Telegram

I recently came across a bot that offers to make money on subscriptions and views. You subscribe to a channel and do not leave it until a certain period.

Is it worth paying for a subscriber who unsubscribes after 5 days? In my opinion, this is a new level of masochism.

3. Fraud

And the final point (my favorite) is subscribers who are not recruited by your will. How is this possible?

Very simple. You find a channel, you like the content and topic. For example, the channel has about 7k subscribers. You scroll up the feed, the channel is not new. On average, each post has about 7k views (good ERR, about 100%). The admin is a very polite young man. You decided to take advertising from him. You make a post, after a couple of days you see that the results are awesome! About 150 people came.

But then, a day later, you look at the views of the last post.

63 views. Although about 150 people came. How is this possible? The person signed up, he must be interested.

You go into history, see strange people with strange names, like Ksyushik333, Rjrj01 and avatars in the style:

And then it dawns on you that you haven’t checked the channel on Tgstat. You frantically run to check, but he’s not there! It's not on Telemeter either. No statistics, nothing - although the channel is quite large, about 7 thousand.

Conclusion - you were deceived. They scammed you either from bots or from real people who were paid money. A good channel has nothing to hide. Any self-respecting channel will definitely be found on Tgstate or Telemeter.

By the way, cleaning out “ghosts” is a real hassle. They are online periodically. How to prove that they came to your channel for money? You can try to write to them in a personal message, they rarely answer, but it will take a lot of time. You can manually ban them from your channel if the subscriber seems suspicious to you - but this also takes time.


  • Never cheat yourself with subscribers. Yes, if you have a young channel, it will be difficult for you at first. The most difficult thing in my experience is to score the first hundred. But if you try, analyze your target audience, and delight them with interesting content, people will start subscribing to you.
  • Always check the channel you are advertising on.



Get paid subscribers to your Telegram channel at low prices, quickly and a lot - look at the cost. How to recruit and get accounts yourself from 100 to 10,000.

How to get Telegram subscribers yourself - 6 secrets

Nowadays, the Internet is associated with everyday routine life. And this cannot be denied, since everyone who reads this article at least once a day looks at the vastness of the World Wide Web. Accordingly, this environment has become not only a place for entertainment, but also a platform for solving all sorts of problems: from searching for information to implementing complex business projects. And of course, towering over all this are numerous social networks, the development of which comes first for many users.

It is one of these social networks that we will talk about. And it is interesting because it is not exactly the social network that we are used to encountering every day (such as VK or Facebook), but rather a messenger that is evolving to a new level. And this social network is Telegram. And here, just like on other platforms, users are interested in becoming as popular and recognizable as possible. Although, it would seem, how can this be implemented in the messenger? But Telegram also has resource counters that characterize the audience’s interest in a particular content, for example, the number of users subscribed to a particular channel or group. Accordingly, many people are trying to find out how to increase these resources and, for example, how to get subscribers in Telegram for free? This is exactly what we will talk about next.

Here is a list of the most effective and absolutely inexpensive methods:

    It is in relation to Telegram that the imposition of one’s own communities is not only appropriate, but also quite in demand. And we are talking about the so-called “Telegram channel directories”. You can find them on many resources on the Internet. And under each channel advertised there you can leave a link to your content. Moreover, such “spam” will not only not be deleted, but will even take a leading place in the list of comments;

    The next, more risky, but no less effective option, unlike the previous one, is link spam. In this case, you leave a link to your resource not only on specially designated sites, but wherever possible: in comments, blogs, forums, etc. Of course, there is a possibility that your similar comment will be immediately deleted, grow, but still in most cases this is a really working and effective method;

    To increase subscribers in Telegram for free, you can use the following method that is familiar to everyone. To do this, find and subscribe to other channels, join various groups and expect feedback from community owners. Namely: mutual subscription. However, this method works a little less effectively in Telegram than in other social networks;

    Well, for sure, the most reliable way to increase the number of subscribers is by sending messages. Since, despite the presence of a web version, this messenger is still designed for use on mobile devices, it carries the function of synchronizing with the user’s phone book. Therefore, you can start sending invitations to join a group or subscribe to a channel specifically to your contacts, moving to email addresses from your lists. At the same time, unlike the embittered VK, as is known, Telegram does not yet block such mass mailings;

    You can try to find various free cheating services. However, we would like to immediately warn you that this will be a very difficult task, since this service is not yet so widespread and not all resources prefer to work with it. But even if you find a similar site, always remember about the possible risks associated with free promotion. This could be either a prolonged supply of resources or a complete blocking of an online account;

    And of course, the only true, but unfortunately, extremely banal option is to create interesting and attractive content. And no matter how hard you try to find other methods of cheating, without this none of them will work fully. Therefore, try to post as much interesting information, photos and videos as possible that correspond to the chosen topic of the channel or group.

That's all the most effective options for getting subscribers on Telegram for free. Yes, we probably haven’t discovered the ideal and fastest method, but still, by using such methods, you will greatly simplify your work with this social network.

Cheat subscribers in Telegram for money - 6 Bonuses

Of course, when the development of a new social network becomes increasingly popular, along with free options for increasing resources in it, paid analogues also appear. And this aspect did not pass over the Telegram we are describing. Accordingly, you can not only try to add subscribers on your own, without spending money, but also simply buy the necessary service.

And in this regard, many users will have a lot of questions related to the rationality and safety of using this method. Is it really worth using a paid method to get subscribers on a Telegram channel, and will this process be more profitable than working independently and, it seems, more reliable with a social network?

In order to answer these questions and find out which cheating method is worth choosing (paid or free), it is worth determining all the possible pros and cons of both one and the other option.

Free promotion


    You have the opportunity to not spend a penny, but quite successfully develop your account. That's why these are free options. So, by choosing this method, you quite reasonably remain in the black, at least in monetary terms;

    You do not depend on any factors, such as problems with the service or restrictions on the supply of resources. You can work day and night on your project without looking at the clock;

    You and only you are responsible for the result of the promotion process. Respectively. and there will be much more desire to do everything at the highest level. Eventually. You will get exactly the result you expect;

    You gain tremendous experience in working with similar accounts and communities. At the same time, you will constantly develop and gain new knowledge that can be used to speed up the process and increase its efficiency.


    You have quite a long time to work. Unfortunately, there is no result with a click. Therefore, get ready for the fact that you will spend most of your free time in your Telegram account;

    Taking control of the entire process as a whole, you still will not be able to control the incoming and outgoing resources. As they say: “Today it’s thick, but tomorrow it’s empty”;

    When using promotion of Telegram channels for free, you one way or another risk being blocked. So far this social network remains more or less loyal, but everything is changing;

    Well, if you decide to trust services or applications, you can easily not only lose your account, but also get an unpleasant virus on your device.

Paid promotion


    You can very quickly get the desired amount of resource to your account. As you know, services are famous for their speed of promotion, which can literally reach several minutes;

    You can also plan the entire process of receiving subscribers to your page. For example, you can determine the most convenient time for the growth of new users so that it looks the most natural;

    Absolutely any amount of promotion is available to you. At the same time, you can be sure that exactly this number of subscribers will appear on your account;

    You can independently choose the quality of accounts that will follow you. So, for example, if you only need extras and a number on the counter, you can buy Telegram subscribers using bots. In addition, it will be even more profitable, since this service is very cheap;

    Your account will be exposed to fewer different risks. It is unlikely that you will lose your account and certainly will not catch any “infection” on your device.

  1. On the same website you can develop not only an account in Telegram, but also a page on any other social network. So, for example, you can buy inexpensive Instagram subscribers.


    Not always and not all services may turn out to be reliable and conscientious. Unfortunately, nowadays it is increasingly possible to stumble upon various types of scammers;

    If you use the benefits of paid promotion thoughtlessly, counting on instant success, you can still pay with your account, since even Telegram provides for blocking;

    You should not count on instant fame, popularity and, as a result, the realization of all your plans and desires. When you cheat, you get some material that you still have to work with in the future. And hoping that people will come to you who are ready to do everything you tell them is, to say the least, unreasonable.

So, from here we can conclude that, in both paid and free methods of recruiting people on Telegram, you can find both advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, there is no exact answer to which method is best to use and which one. At the same time, no one will give you one that turns out to be more reliable. As a result, only you can decide what is suitable in each specific case, and you will have to act based on your desires and capabilities.

Cheating live Telegram subscribers - a reliable service

In the previous section of the article, one of the disadvantages of paid promotion, we noted the possibility of encountering various scammers and unreliable services. It is this option that can immediately negate all the positive aspects of the process and leave an unpleasant aftertaste. Thus, many users completely abandon the idea of ​​resorting to paid account development.

In addition, there are often cases where even with a high price tag for a service, you receive dubious material or bots. Therefore, another rather pressing question arises: where to buy live subscribers in Telegram? Of course, you want to make such an acquisition under the most favorable conditions. In this regard, we decided to provide you with a small list of various conditions and aspects that you need to pay attention to when choosing a promotion service:

    It is also important how you can get to the internal pages of the site. If before this you are asked to register or log in using your account on a social network, you should think several times whether you want to give your personal data to third parties;

    Having decided on the service and choosing the required service, carefully read its description and options for provision;

    It is also worth finding information on the provision of promotion services on the website. This could be a contract or just a description. It is important that this document contains key points for the site to carry out its work;

    It would also be a good idea to look for the guarantees provided by the site. This way you can be sure that in certain situations you will be able to receive support and compensation for any losses;

    Pay attention to how quickly the site's technical support works. Many aspects of the ability to buy Telegram subscribers may depend on the site’s employees. You can always ask questions that interest you and receive competent answers to them;

    And finally, the decisive factor in determining the suitability of a site should be a test of the quality of work and material. To carry it out, you need to order a small amount of the required resource and determine in what quality and how quickly it will come to your page.

Thus, armed with this knowledge, you can choose a truly reliable site for getting live subscribers on Telegram. In this case, the result may turn out to be not only safe, but also quite profitable. So, for example, on our website you can find the lowest possible prices for services to increase subscribers in Telegram. In addition, the site meets all the above parameters. Try to test it and see what we say.

How to gain Telegram subscribers - risks and 6 secrets of bypass

Having decided to use promotion of a Telegram channel, both paid and free, users need to be sure that such actions will really help them cope with the task and not aggravate the situation. In other words, you need to know whether the process is dangerous. And this is really very important.

In fact, you have probably heard more than once that cheating is an illegal way to increase the number of subscribers or other resources, which is associated with various risks, including the loss of your account. Unfortunately, this is true. For example, getting Telegram subscribers can turn against you, and your online page will be blocked. In this regard, it would not be superfluous to find out what other risks there are when accessing unnatural replenishment of resources in Telegram. In fact, there are few of them, but even a minor mistake can lead to serious problems:

With free promotion:

    Unregulated flow of subscribers, which looks unnatural and can lead to blocking;

    Infecting your device with viruses when using free cheating programs.

When ordering paid services:

    The risk of running into an unscrupulous service and receiving low-quality material, which again will lead to blocking;

    Deception by scammers, as a result of which you may lose the funds spent;

    You can receive the entire ordered volume of traffic in a matter of minutes, which will negatively affect your reputation.

These are the risks you will face if you decide to buy Telegram subscribers. But you must understand that this is not a death sentence at all, and if you do not like to take risks, such unpleasant situations can be easily avoided. You just need to know how. This is exactly what we will talk about next. So, how to avoid risks when cheating?

    Carefully study the information about the service you are going to cooperate with. As we wrote earlier, read the reviews;

    Do not trust those sites that persistently require you to provide personal information about your account, in addition to a link to the channel. Remember that you can lose your community at any time;

    Do not download or install software of unknown origin without finding out details about the program or application;

    When buying subscribers or views, you should not immediately make large orders on a site you just found. Be sure to check the quality of his work;

    In principle, you should not make large purchases of material. Plan your channel development and add resources in stages, evenly distributing the entire desired volume. So, a hundred or two subscribers in a day will be quite enough;

    You should not develop a newly created or completely empty channel, as it will look unnatural, and besides, the social network system will still be interested in it, identifying violators.

By observing all these precautions, you can easily avoid all the risks associated with increasing Telegram subscribers or views on posts. Thus, it turns out that even an illegal method of increasing resources can be not only useful, but also very safe.

How much can you buy Telegram subscribers and views for?

We can talk for a long time about the pros and benefits of paid promotion, but this process is still associated with monetary costs, which makes users think about the feasibility of such an acquisition. Of course, few people want to pay significant sums for an uncertain result, without knowing what the customer will receive in the end. That is why you need to know exactly at what price you can buy views in Telegram. And after that, determine whether such a process will really be profitable.

    Primarily, the cost of views is determined by the initial price set by the supplier. The fact is that almost all Telegram promotion services purchase material that will later be added to user pages from various dealers. They, in turn, set their own price, which will certainly be increased in the future, since each seller wants to remain in profit from the sale;

    Many people will probably want to get the required number of views as quickly as possible. In this case, you will have to somehow contribute to this. Accordingly, the sooner views come to your page, the greater the amount you have to pay;

    And of course, the level of service and maintenance also requires an increase in the price tag. You yourself will probably decide to pay a little more for the attentive attitude of the site staff and the precise execution of the task;

    Also, do not forget that many services spend a lot on advertising. Accordingly, such expenses may be reflected in the price of services. Therefore, the faster you find a service, the higher the prices are likely to be.

Here are the main points of the paid service that can affect the set price on the site. Thus, you can buy views on Telegram quite cheaply and at the same time with good service. It is important to evaluate the chosen service from different angles, both technical and financial.

What is the difference between groups and channels in Telegram - comparison

And while analyzing the development of the Telegram account, we were faced with another rather pressing question from users: what is the difference between groups, supergroups and channels in this network?

With the growing popularity of this messenger, its creators began to introduce more and more new functions for communication, both individual users and certain groups of people. That is why new communities began to appear here, uniting several visitors at once. As a result, users who are going to develop in this social network, before figuring out where to buy Telegram subscribers, decide for themselves the problem of creating a community. What to choose: a group or a channel?

Well, to answer this question, you need to know what each community is and how they differ from each other. So let's look at all the options:

    Groups. These are small associations of users, not exceeding 200 participants in size. Moreover, each user can invite a new character without any approval from you. In addition, any subscriber will be able to independently change the group name, main photo and background. Also, when the joining limit expires, you will have to wait for someone to leave the group in order to add a new user there. Or you can simply transform this community into a supergroup, which will be discussed below;

    Supergroups. This is a kind of enhancement of the status of an ordinary group. As the type of community changes, its capacity also changes. So, in this case, you can add up to 5000 participants. New notification settings also appear here. Each user can now turn off notifications, but will still hear them if the message starts with their name. In a supergroup, any user can delete their message, and a group administrator can also be appointed, who has the right to remove any posts, regardless of who wrote them;

    Channels. The community is created separately and, at the same time, has no limit on entry. That is, any user can be subscribed to the created channel. However, only the creator of the channel has a voice here - it is no longer possible to leave comments for subscribers. Therefore, all posts are published only on behalf of the community itself. All files posted on the channel should not exceed 1.5 GB. Just like in the supergroup, there are notification settings and the ability to turn them off. And most importantly, probably for many who want to build Telegram channels, the advantage is that they can be monetized.

This is what these three community options are like on this social network. Indeed, they have quite a lot of differences and can be created for different purposes. Therefore, those who are looking for where to buy Telegram subscribers should think carefully about what they need to get in the end. Well, we will help you resolve this issue.

What to choose for quick promotion: group or channel

From there, we smoothly approached the next problem that may arise on your way to popularity in Telegram. And it is connected with which community option to choose to implement all the ideas presented. It is with the answer to this question that you should think about whether it’s worth using Telegram cheating at all. As a result, depending on your goals, the choice of the necessary tool to achieve them will depend (in our case, these are communities), as well as the advisability of speeding up the process.

So, let's look at what each of the community options may be suitable for, and whether there is any reason to use the service to boost subscribers in Telegram:

    Groups. Here and further, some of our clarifications will overlap with the previous section of the article, so that you have a complete picture of the purpose of each of the communities. So, groups are small associations of users (up to 200 people). Such communities are created mainly for communication between a fairly narrow circle of people. For example, a group of colleagues or parents of students in a particular class. In such a community, various topics can be discussed that unite all participants;

    Supergroups are an enhanced community that can host up to 5,000 people. Supergroups can be created to unite users according to certain thematic criteria and further communication between participants. For example, this could be a discussion of an upcoming event with a large number of participants;

    Channels. Since this is the only community option that is monetized, it is most often chosen to disseminate any information. That is, something like a blog is being created. Also, the channel can be a photo gallery of store products with a description of any details (like an Instagram account, which you can also use for additional income. Find out how much likes on Instagram cost for its development) We can say that a channel in Telegram is this is the same as publics on other social networks. And this is why many users prefer to use boosting subscribers for a Telegram channel. This way they increase their chances of increasing account monetization.

We found out what purposes all of the listed types of Telegram communities can serve. And, for sure, many users have already realized that channels are the best way to promote and increase popularity on the network. In this case, negative comments will not harm you, and you will be able to offer users what you consider necessary. And post views will help you track community statistics. Thus, the opportunity to gain subscribers to a Telegram channel can be a good help for increasing results and achieved goals.

We are preparing our Telegram channel for promotion - we won’t make a mistake

And yet, as many people as there are, so many opinions. And for some, the development of a group or supergroup will seem more attractive. In any case, in this process you have to start somewhere. And if we have already passed the first step of understanding the goals and making a choice based on this type of community, then it is inevitably followed by the second - preparing the community to buy subscribers in a Telegram channel/group or gain them for free. And we will tell you how to do this further:

    So, first you need to make all the necessary technical settings for the community. This is the name of the group or channel, a description of the topic and content, and also adjust the appearance of notifications from your community. In addition, you can configure any other characteristics as desired;

    Next you need to take care of the name. If this concerns a public channel, then as much attention as possible should be paid to its name, since this will determine how easily other users can find your channel;

    Then set the community's main photo and background as desired. However, remember that groups and channels with pictures attract much more visitors. Still, visualization decides a lot;

    After the main aspects of community design are over, move on to the most important thing - filling the community with content. This point, as you guessed, needs to be devoted to as much time and effort as possible. Make sure that the user who subscribes to you does not want to leave the group or channel;

    Next, before you gain subscribers on Telegram, be sure to add a certain number of subscribers. Let these be exclusively your friends. The main thing is to create the impression of activity on the channel or in the group. And don’t forget to warn them that they will still have to take part in the life of your community, that is, conduct a dialogue in a group or view posts on a channel.

Only after completing all these actions can you begin to replenish your community and its further development. In this case, the social network system will not have any suspicions that your subscriptions are unnatural. Accordingly, you can be sure that in Telegram, getting subscribers will take place without the relatively serious risks that we talked about earlier.

Telegram is a new tool from the creator of VKontakte, Pavel Durov. It was designed as a secure messaging service. Today Telegram is a full-fledged social network that makes it possible to earn money by advertising goods and services. Therefore, getting Telegram subscribers is becoming more and more popular.

For making money through Telegram, specialized channels - analogues of blogs - are best suited. Notes, photos, video or audio messages are posted here. The channel does not have the ability to receive either likes or comments. Audience engagement is measured by views as well as the number of subscribers. This is why interest in getting subscribers on Telegram is gradually increasing.

The meaning of cheating

Not all users understand the benefits of a large number of followers. Main advantages:

Cheat views

Views on Telegram are vaguely reminiscent of likes on other platforms. Audience interest or approval is most often measured by profile views. Thanks to boosting Telegram subscribers, the number of views will certainly increase.

Views are an important tool for developing your own Telegram channel: they help determine which topics (products, services) are most interesting to subscribers and suggest how to further promote your account, what to work on or what to concentrate on.

Free promotion

There are several ways to boost Telegrams. At the moment, there are practically no free promotion services for this site. Therefore, you will have to generate free subscribers yourself.

Free promotion is characterized by:

The disadvantages of self-cheating are obvious:

  • For a long time. You will have to spend a lot of time online for subscriptions, mailings, and advertising.
  • Ineffective. Not everyone has the opportunity to spend months cheating on Telegram. Therefore, you should be prepared for the fact that the flow of new subscribers will be uneven.
  • Unsafe. When placing independent advertising on third-party resources for the purpose of promotion in Telegram, there is a risk of being blocked. If sending a comment during a free promotion with a link to a channel requires registration, either through an email address or through a social network account, then there is a risk that this data will be transferred to third parties for sending spam or using a person’s personal data for personal gain.

It’s better to use paid promotion and spend the free time on posting interesting content, expanding the store’s assortment, or improving the quality of services sold.

Paid promotion

Paid promotion of Telegram website subscribers means acquiring the required number of subscriptions and views at an affordable price. Getting subscribers to your channel is done efficiently, inexpensively and without risks. Advantages:


You just need to order the required number of followers and choose a convenient form of payment. Within a few minutes after payment, the exact number of new Telegram subscribers will appear on your account. To ensure uniform growth of the audience, the service site provides the ability to configure the parameters of the target audience. This significantly increases the loyalty of the public and gives impetus to the natural increase in readers of the Telegramm channel.


Prices for getting subscribers in Telegram on the website are distinguished by their accessibility for people of any income. This is beneficial both for users who just want to show off their number of subscribers to their friends, and for serious entrepreneurs who want to receive a stable income. Getting subscribers and views on Telegram is necessary for everyone, regardless of their goals and tasks.


If you want to gain subscribers in Telegram with us, then it is not necessary to register or download any program. Our specialists have developed their own algorithms that allow you to safely recruit readers from a computer or even from a phone.

Getting subscribers in Telegram on the website service is the best investment in competent, inexpensive and effective profile promotion, which will become a reliable tool for increasing sales, expanding your client base or communicating with customers.

This article will talk about free and paid ways to increase subscribers in Telegram.

Most well-known and popular social networks have long become boring to users. And all the “hot” places for the development of any ideas or projects are occupied. Therefore, something new is required, different from the old resources. In this regard, social networks began to be replaced by instant messengers, the functionality of which is practically no different from outdated platforms. One of these messengers that is gaining popularity at tremendous speed is Telegram. This network became especially in demand when it became possible to create various communities in it - groups and channels.

Respectively. Users have new free niches to implement their plans. Therefore, most of them immediately began to approach the matter thoroughly, and questions often began to appear on the network about where to buy Telegram subscribers? Due to the popularity of this request, we decided to answer it.

Where to buy subscribers in Telegram/Telegram and how much it costs

Since this social network is just gaining momentum, services in this area are quite rare and not available from all services. Therefore, searching not only for high-quality material, but also for a reliable seller can take quite a lot of time. But we tried to find for you a couple of decent Telegram promotion services with high quality material and fairly low prices:

1. Prtut is a reliable, proven site with fast results and a high level of service. Orders on this site are completed almost instantly after payment, and the promotion process itself takes a very short period of time. Here, you can buy 1000 subscribers to your Telegram channel for 1300 rubles. The site also offers other services for boosting Telegram: subscribers to the group and views. In addition, you can view options for promotion of other social networks;

2. DoctorSMM is still a young, but already quite well-known and developed service. The launch of services on this site occurs within the range from 2 to 36 hours (minimum and maximum values ​​are taken). At the same time, you will not regret the quality of the material. Well, if you have any questions related to the services, you can instantly get an answer to them from experienced employees who are constantly in touch. Well, the cost of 1000 subscribers on this service will be from 1190 rubles. up to 3990 rub. (depending on the type of your community).

3. Avi1 is an old service where you can get not only Telegram subscribers, but also many other social networks at a cheap price. The price for 1000 subscribers per channel on avi1 is about 1050-1200 rubles per 1000 subscribers per channel.

By using the services of these services, you will be able to get the desired resource with high quality in the shortest possible time with excellent service from the employees. Thus, it turns out that buying Telegram subscribers is not so difficult, and inexpensive.

In conclusion, I would like to tell you about one already quite well-known, but extremely effective life hack, how you can make money on cheating with minimal investment. To do this, you will only need to buy enough live Telegram subscribers once and sell advertising in your community. Accordingly, the larger your audience, the larger sums advertisers will pay for posting posts on a channel or in a group.

How to make a free boost for Telegram channel subscribers

Whatever one may say, acquiring subscribers to the service means that you will have to invest in this process. And this stops many users, because some do not think that they will devote quite a lot of time to the development of Telegram, and the money will be paid. Of course, to begin with, any project must be tested and understand whether it is worth pursuing it at all and developing it further.

Therefore, we would like to suggest that you first try to achieve the first results on your own, without investing money. In other words, we will look at options for getting subscribers on Telegram for free:

1. And the first of them is the most common way to increase your audience - advertising in Telegram catalogs. There are special services on the Internet that publish lists of the most popular channels. And here everyone is invited to leave a comment containing a link to their Telegram communities. Such spam messages are not only not deleted, but are also placed in leading positions;

2. Raising the topic of links, when answering the question of how to get subscribers on Telegram for free, one cannot fail to mention the following method: You can leave advertising comments on all possible resources to which you have access. Of course, this method is considered more risky, since most of such messages are simply deleted, but it is still more effective due to the larger audience coverage;

3. In this case, you can also use the following method, like in other social networks. To complete it, you just need to find other groups or channels and subscribe to them. Expecting a response from the owners in the form of the same subscription. However, you shouldn’t completely rely on this method, since everyone has known it for a long time and is pretty tired of it, and Telegram is not a familiar social network;

4. Don’t forget about the main function of Telegram as a messenger – sending messages. You can also use this tool. In addition, Telegram, as a mobile application, easily synchronizes with the contacts of your smartphone, which is absolutely necessary to use. Start sending out invitations to join a group or channel to all your friends and acquaintances;

5. You can try to find any services that boost Telegram channels for free. But here it is worth considering the fact that you will have to take part in spam in order to earn points or bonuses, and this is a rather risky activity. If you do not work properly with such services, you can easily get your account blocked even in such a still loyal social network;

6. And the last, perhaps the most labor-intensive way to get subscribers is creating and developing content. At the same time, no matter how hard you try to find other options for achieving your goals, without this process you will not succeed. It’s not enough just to attract a crowd of subscribers, you also need to interest them and keep them in the community. And this can only be done with the help of high-quality interesting content.

These options will help you answer the question of how to get subscribers on Telegram for free. We have tried to provide the most effective and efficient methods. Maybe. You yourself will develop a completely new and more effective method. However, remember that free promotion is a rather labor-intensive process. Consuming both strength and time. You will have to persistently develop in this direction, which will undoubtedly bear fruit.

How to make money on a Telegram account

We have already given quite a lot of facts about how to carry out promotion in Telegram. However, some users probably still have a question about why they need to upgrade the messenger at all. Surely, the majority of those who read us understand perfectly well that any promotion is in one way or another connected with the desire to increase the popularity of the resource and, as a result, make money on it. Thus, it turns out that getting subscribers to a Telegram channel is necessary to make money on this social network.

Now another question arises: how can you make money on Telegram? This is exactly what we will examine in this section of our article. We tried to collect for you several of the most relevant ways to make money on Telegram. We will also find out whether increasing subscribers to the Telegram channel will help you earn even more.

So, these are the methods:

1. For sure. The most popular way to make money on Telegram is by advertising in communities. You can completely independently agree with any advertiser and post his posts on your channel or in a group. But if you do not already have a verified partner, we suggest you contact the VKontakte community https://vk.com/club58487902. There you can agree on advertising on your page. The only condition is the presence of subscribers on the channel ranging from 500 to 1000 people. Naturally, the larger your audience, the higher your earnings. This is where boosting Telegram subscribers with services, such as PRtut and DoctorSMM, comes in handy;

2. Another option is not exactly direct income, but rather an increase in it. You can create a channel in Telegram and run something like a blog from your company or organization. Thus, you will increase the number of your potential clients if you periodically post advertising posts in the community. The main thing is that it looks unobtrusive, and the blog itself is quite interesting. As a result, you receive additional traffic and, accordingly, increased sales;

3. If you are going to run a private small business, Telegram can also become a platform for its implementation. You can post photos of products with a short description and accept orders online. This is very convenient, since both the platform for placing orders and the contact center for accepting them are all your phone. Accordingly, no matter where you are, you will always be able to respond to your clients;

4. There are a couple more options for earning money that are no longer directly related to the number of subscribers in your communities. And one of them is the development of Telegram bots. Since such applications are currently very, very in demand, you can get good money for their development;

5. And one more way is to try to find a security hole in Telegram. Pavel Durov personally promised to pay such a craftsman up to $1 million. To do this, you need to hack the security and encryption system of the messenger and present your work to Telegram employees. If you can really prove your success, you can count on a generous reward. Although only one person received money from Durov, he managed to find a small problem. He received only $100,000.

With these methods you can make good money from your Telegram account. And, as we found out, in most of these methods, getting subscribers to a Telegram channel plays an important role. So, it turns out that the more subscribers you manage to get, the higher your earnings will be.

How to boost a channel, group and post views in Telegram

Telegram is gradually turning from an ordinary messenger into a real social network with many features and functions. However, this platform is still different from the ones we are used to, for example, VKontakte or Instagram. And one of the distinctive features of Telegram is the lack of likes. On the one hand, this somewhat complicates working with statistics and with the audience, and on the other hand, community owners do not need to chase likes in order to please users. Instead, you can focus on developing truly useful and high-quality content. As a result of this, the ability to cheat Telegram is becoming so popular.

However, along with the number of users subscribed to the community, another Telegram resource is quite relevant - post views. It is precisely their number that is responsible for the percentage of audience interest in the content of the group or channel. The structure of views in Telegram is similar to the same resource in VK. They are also located at the bottom of every message posted to a channel or group and are indicated by an open eye icon. And, just as users choose to increase subscribers in Telegram for free and for a fee, increasing views is also a fairly popular request.

Accordingly, this resource can also be obtained through services, for example, such as PRtut, or you can try to get them yourself. At the same time, working with services will certainly be a faster and more reliable process, since in this case the quality of the audience that views your posts does not matter. But unlike getting subscribers on Telegram for free, working with views on your own will take you a lot of time. This is due to the fact that of all the free methods, you only have one left - developing high-quality content.

Well, we can only summarize how to get Telegram subscribers to a group or channel. So, as we found out, this can be done in two main ways: paid and free. At the same time, free promotion can occur in various ways, which is an effective process, but quite labor-intensive. But a paid increase in subscribers may be accompanied by some risks, which we will discuss below.

Are there any risks when increasing Telegram subscribers?

In the previous section, we mentioned that cheating on Telegram may entail some risks. This is precisely the point that worries many users who are thinking about whether to take advantage of a paid increase in subscribers or not. That is why we decided to find out whether it is so dangerous to use boosting subscribers in Telegram.

There are definitely small risks in this process, but they are mainly associated with the insatiable desire of users to become popular as soon as possible. A social network like Telegram is quite young and, accordingly, the system for tracking violations and filters are somewhat more loyal than in other social networks. Therefore, you don’t have to be afraid of mass write-offs and feel free to turn to promotion services. And yet, before you gain subscribers on Telegram, you need to take some steps to avoid any unpleasant situations. And these are the actions:

1. To begin with, you should be especially careful when choosing the service with which you want to cooperate. Since most of the success and your safety will depend on the chosen site;

2. Do not access those services, when entering which you are required to undergo forced registration or provide data from your account (login and password, for example);

3. You should not install any software. Even if the site you choose offers to do this;

4. Be sure to prepare your community for cheating. It should have a title, main photo and a background that is pleasing to the eye. Also, be sure to post some interesting posts and add a small number of followers yourself. These could be your friends or relatives;

5. When ordering subscribers, do not immediately buy the entire required volume at once. Try to distribute the wrap over several portions;

6. The most optimal number of subscribers per day is 200-300 units. A larger number of accounts is possible by increasing live subscribers in Telegram. In this case, it is better to maintain intervals between orders of at least 24 hours;

7. Before ordering on a new site, be sure to check its reliability and quality of work by ordering a minimum amount of resource.

Here are the basic recommendations that will help you learn how to gain subscribers on Telegram without risks. However, it is worth considering that not a single service can bring you fans who are ready to stay on your channel or in a group and perform the actions that you expect from them. Still, promotion is, first of all, creating the appearance of a popular community. And, nevertheless, this is a good help for starting the development of an account in Telegram.