Download a song without knowing the title. Searching for a song using words from the lyrics

A situation may arise in our life when we accidentally heard some musical composition, and now we passionately desire to find it. We don’t know the title or the artist of the track, and sometimes all we have is a looped motif in our head, or a couple of words from the verses sung by the vocalist. Let me reassure the reader - this may be quite enough, because there are a number of online resources, making it easy to find music online. In this material I will tell you how to perform online music recognition, what network resources will help us with this, and how to work with them.

Let's move on to a description of network services that allow you to find a song online. The vast majority of them have their own database of tracks, comparing the track received from the user (recorded through a microphone or received as an audio file) with the songs available in the database.

When a match is found, the service informs the user about the result found, including the name of the song, its artist, a link to a video of this composition on YouTube, lyrics and other relevant information.

Please note that the higher the quality of the sound source, the higher the level of recognition of the song you need.

Midomi - quickly identify the song

  1. To work with the Midomi service, follow the link above.
  2. Click on the big “Click and Sing or Hum” button, give the service access to your microphone, and play (or sing) a segment of the desired composition for its subsequent identification.

Click on the “Click and Sing or Hum” button to start the music recognition procedure

Then click on this button again to stop the identification procedure, the system will look for matches in its database, and then give you the result.

AudioTag - simple music search by passage

WatZatSong - excellent ID service

If previous services have not advanced you in any way towards identifying the composition you need, then the English-language resource “WatZatSong” will allow you to identify music online using the “human factor”. You simply upload the piece of music you need to the resource, and the user community there tries to identify your track by ear.

  1. To work with the service, go to it, click on the “Post a sample” button.
  2. The system will prompt you to complete the registration procedure.
  3. After confirming your registration by email, click on “Post a sample” again, in the menu that appears, select the option to provide a track (record - via microphone, upload - upload to a resource).
  4. Decide on the genre (genre) and language (language), if necessary, write a comment for the track in the very bottom line, and then click on “Confirm”. You will be notified by email of the responses received.

Working window of the “WatZatSong” service

Moomash service

The Moomash service will allow you to find out the music online, which is available in a video on YouTube. Just go to this service, copy the link from the YouTube video into the appropriate window, and then click on the “Start” button.

The identification process may take some time, after which you will get the desired result.

Paste the link to the YouTube video into the window and click on the “Start” button

Shazam program

If we talk about the most effective tool for recognizing music from a passage, then such a tool is the Shazam program for Android and iOS. She demonstrates the most good results in the process of music recognition, therefore those readers who are not yet familiar with its functionality can try it in action, enjoying its practicality and ease of use.

To activate Shazam, just touch the screen of your smartphone


In this article, I described services that allow you to perform track recognition online. Working with these sites is quite simple and will not cause any problems for users. If you want to have the most effective tools, then take a closer look at mobile applications“Shazam” and “SoundHound” - they demonstrate the highest results in online audio recognition.

1. Search by the text (words) of the song.

Most reliable way find a song using a fragment of words from it. Try to remember or write down the most unusual line from the song somewhere. The chorus is best suited for these purposes, since it is precisely this that music producers try to make it attract attention and become boring in memory. Go to the website of one of the search engines Google or Yandex, and indicate the request in this format:

Phrase from the song + lyrics

Phrase from a song + lyrics

The keyword lyrics is needed to tell the search engine that we are looking for the lyrics of the song. You should not “drive” into the search the lines that sound in almost every song: “I loved him, but he left for someone else” , "let's dance with you" etc. The fact is that in this case the search engine will perceive the request as high-frequency (that is, very popular) and may not even return the lyrics of the song in the search, but even some message from the forum. Try to make your search query as specific as possible, meaning that it contains enough words to exclude other song lyrics from the results.

If you hear a song in a foreign language, you can’t do without basic knowledge in this area. Try to remember only those phrases that you are sure of. The search engine will correct grammatical errors if you spell a word incorrectly. You can also intuitively remember how to pronounce a line from a song. Try to enter your search query in Latin letters the way you expect this line to be written. And don't forget to add to your request keyword lyrics .

2. Search on the website of radio stations.

Today, almost every radio station has its own website. It exists just so that any listener can look through the history of the broadcast and find the composition he likes. It is enough to remember only the name of the radio station and the time when the song you liked was played. The section of the radio station website you need is On-Air. Try to log into the site on the same day, as they do not store history for more than a day.

3. Search for a song by melody/fragment/excerpt

For this you will need mobile device or any gadget on Android,Symbian or iOS. And a program called . Official website of the project: This is the so-called music recognition service. The client program records a 10-second fragment of a song using the device's microphone and transmits it to the server (of course, an Internet connection is required). After a moment, on the screen you will see the name of the song, artist and album that contains the composition.

You can download the program in services Google Play , Ovi Store, iStore.

Music is a universal means of self-expression for any person; it is a truly unique language, understandable to many, accessible regardless of age, gender and social status. But if words are written to the music or music is placed on the existing text, then the composition already turns into a song, which can be catchy, slow, sad, danceable, but, one way or another, it touches something in a person, so you want it after its completion. enjoy it repeatedly. So, the composition was heard for the first time, how to find the song?

Basic ways to search for a musical composition on the Internet

Nowadays, you can hear the song you like everywhere: on the street, on the radio, in a film, advertising, at a holiday, etc. In most cases, the composition is unfamiliar, so it is not possible to find out who performs it. But today there are several effective ways song search, which often help in successfully finding the desired work.

Basic search methods:

  • according to the words, phrases, chorus from the song;
  • using the circumstances under which the song was heard: in a film, video clip, on a radio station at a specific time;
  • based on a recorded fragment of a composition or an existing excerpt from a song;
  • using specialized forums.

Any of these methods can give positive result when searching for a particular composition, but often it is the use of these methods in combination that will help resolve the dilemma “how to find a song?”

Search a song by words or chorus

Often, any phrase or chorus that can be easily caught because it is repeated several times helps to identify a song. If the composition is in Russian, then there are usually few problems with finding it: it is enough to enter several consecutive phrases from its text into any search engine, and one of the queries will point to the name of the song.

But how to find a song in a foreign language, for example, in English? Those who know the language well will not have many problems. Using their English phrase recognition skills, they will be able to understand several important lines from the song. The rest find themselves in a difficult situation. But there is a way out of it too. It is best to use a search engine that searches foreign sites, for example, Google. You should enter all the words and phrases that you managed to understand from the song into the search bar. The more of these words there are, even if they are not entirely correct, the more likely the system will produce the correct result. Especially in such cases, it is worth clinging to well-known phrases and, of course, the chorus. It is repeated several times throughout the song, so searching for words from it is much easier.

Song search apps

Today, there are several interesting programs that allow you to find the desired song by melody, that is, compare it with the desired composition. Interestingly, you can create a melody with a fragment from a song yourself. To do this, you will need a microphone, with which you will need to record a small part of the song.

Having a fragment of a composition, you can upload it to the Audiotag service, or download a special utility from the corresponding website (the name of the utility is Tunatic).

Search for a song on specialized forums

There are a sufficient number of music lovers on the Internet who can identify a decent number of songs just by a couple of words from a composition they hear or by a few chords. Even if the melody is unfamiliar to them, they will tell you how to find the name of the song. These comrades usually live on the most famous music forums on the Internet and are always ready to help in finding a particular composition. But searching in this way is not always fast, because first you need to register on one of the forums to create a topic with a song request, and also wait a certain amount of time before someone answers the topic. Although if the composition is relatively well-known, then the response time of forum users will be minimal.

Using multiple ways to search for a song

Finding a song by chorus is easy if it consists of one or more words. But when it is possible to understand little from the entire text, then search engines will only help to somewhat narrow down the number of possible options for the name of the melody. So how to find the song you are looking for in this case? Then you need to use several options for searching for a composition. You can use any of the methods listed above or come up with your own search method, for example, by describing the video clip in which the song was played, or an advertisement.

To find the lyrics of a song by words, in search query you should add the phrase “text of the song” or the word “lyrics” (English version) at the end. This method is suitable when phrases from the composition are known. And having found the lyrics of the song, you can definitely find the necessary melody. What to do if you need to find a song that has no words? For example, any classical composition? Then there is a high probability that the desired piece of music will be famous, and you should search by the name of the composer or by the phrase “best classical compositions.”

It turns out that today finding any piece of music - both with and without words - is not so difficult, although it may require a large number of time. They can advise you on how to find a song on any of the music forums, as well as help you find a specific composition.

Music expresses the state of a person’s soul, so very often the music a person listens to can determine his mood, inner mood and even outlook on life. If a person hums some melody or words from a song, then this can also indicate his complete harmony in himself and with the world around him. But sometimes it happens that a song heard somewhere and its melody remain firmly in the memory, but what it is called and who its performer is unknown. But you really want to find this song, download it to your phone or computer and listen to it all the time. How to find a song without knowing the title and artist?

Search a song by words

Who is not familiar with the situation when from time to time a certain song is heard on the radio or on someone’s phone, but no one knows its name and artist. In this case, you can remember the words of the composition, at least partially, and use the words to find the song on the Internet. To do this, simply enter the words into the search engine and, among the proposed options, select exactly the one you want to find. In addition, there are special sites that have bookmarks for searching songs by words. How to remember words? As a rule, words stick into memory on their own, because if you like a song, it will sound in your head and excerpts from its text will remind you of the desire to find the song itself and find out its artist.
Music lovers-friends who know all the new releases in the world of music will also help you find a suitable song and can easily tell you the name and artist of a particular composition.

Programs for searching songs without titles

Modern technologies offer a wide variety of programs for searching songs by melody or words. Some of them can recognize a song even by the most awkward moo. The recognition program will offer several options for songs that are similar to the one that was sung, and then among the proposed options it will be possible to find the one you are looking for. If it is possible to sing the song you like exactly, then this is even better, since then there will be fewer proposed options and you can find the song you are looking for much faster, although most programs and services still require a recorded excerpt of the composition on a voice recorder or phone.

Among such programs and services, the following should be highlighted:

  1. Tunatic is the most simple program in use, when practically at the moment of humming a composition he can find it “on the fly”.
  2. Autotag is a program that can find a composition based on a set of characteristics in its database, a little complicated to use.
  3. Midomi Mobile - recognizes a song from a short excerpt recorded on the phone; identification of music is complicated, but if a composition is found, the user may even be offered a clip of it on YouTube.
  4. TrackID - service for Walkman series phones Sony Ericsson, identifies a song based on a recorded fragment of 5-6 seconds.
  5. - identification of songs online based on a recorded excerpt of 15 seconds or more.
As a rule, websites with these programs also provide instructions on how to use them, so that users can find the desired song as quickly as possible.


Of course it's much easier to find song, if you know the artist. In this case, it is enough to simply search for a musician through a search engine and find among them the one you are looking for. If the performer is unknown, try to find the work using the passages of text that you remember. The easiest option is to type lines from the song into any search engine. It is possible that in one of the first search results you will be able to find both the composition and its artist.

There are also special services, so-called song lyrics search engines. One of them is Here, too, you just need to enter into the search those words from the song that remain in your memory, and the system will display all versions of works in which these combinations of words occur. All you have to do is find among them the one you are looking for.

Never come up with eccentric or strange names. Many musicians name songs with random words that seem fun or "meaningful." But the audience most likely will not share such views. Call song It should be simple and clear so that the listener does not have questions about where the name came from or so that you can clearly explain the reason for its appearance.

Video on the topic

Surely many of you are familiar with the following problem: you hum the same song all day long. motive, or rather, it’s spinning in your head and won’t get unstuck from you, and what kind of song it is - well, you just can’t remember. What to do in this case? This situation seems complicated only at first glance. Thanks to new technologies, the problem can be resolved very easily.

You will need

  • - telephone;
  • - Internet;


Go to any music store. If you are not a timid person and do not hesitate to perform in front of strangers, sing motive to the seller. As a rule, people who work there have heard a lot - they will immediately tell you what has latched on to you. Most likely, you can even purchase a disc with this composition in the same store.

Sing motive into a voice recorder, video camera, or record directly onto your computer. Upload the resulting audio file to any forum on the Internet where you are registered. Announce who will be the first to suggest the name of the artist and will receive a prize. What to give as a gift for such a service - decide for yourself. It all depends on the prize fund and your imagination.

Call the radio and hum the tune in live. Many have special programs where DJs ask listeners to dial in and help them determine song. Before going to the radio station, practice so that you can sing more or less clearly. This may be your first performance for such a large audience. But don’t worry too much - yes, millions of people will hear you, but even if you fake it, none of them will be able to recognize you on the street. So they won’t point fingers. Go for it.


Please remember that files you post on the Internet may become available to other users.

Therefore, if you are not confident in your singing abilities and think that a file with a recording of your voice could be downloaded by someone else and used against you, refrain from posting such a file on the Internet.

Helpful advice

If you remember at least two or three words from the song, enter this text into a search engine. If the lyrics of the song are posted on the Internet (and the likelihood of this is very high), then you can quickly find this song.


  • Song recognition software