Enable push messages. Setting up push notifications on iPhone - how to disable (remove) all notifications at once or separately

Modern technologies do not stand still, including operating systems. With each new update, they receive more and more tools and useful features. Therefore, many users often ask various questions about this or that option. For example, a push message. What is this anyway? Why is it needed? We will talk about this below.

What it is

Many users personal computer familiar with such things as notifications from the system or antivirus program, which notify about some problem. Such alerts usually appear in the lower right corner of the screen. These are the very first push messages. Later, developers of mobile operating systems transferred this idea to mobile devices. This is how the push message was created. a short notification that usually appears at the top of the screen of a tablet or smartphone.

Who sends messages

Naturally, applications. They notify the user about a particular event, fact or problem. For example, games most often report the appearance of new promotions or replenishment of the player’s energy. The user himself decides which applications can send push messages and which cannot. Setting up these notifications is not as difficult as it might seem.


So, a push message (what it is, we’ve already figured it out a little) is most often now used on mobile platforms. Which ones exactly? First of all, on Android, which is the most popular mobile operating system today. By the way, it was the Android developer who was the first to introduce push messages. What does this mean? It was the owners of tablets and smartphones running a mobile phone that were the first to experience the beauty of instant notifications from applications.

Apple and iOS

As for the famous American “apple” brand, they are not far behind their competitors. A year after the introduction of instant notifications on Android, Apple also launched this useful option on iOS 3.0. It is noteworthy that a little later it was implemented by the company’s specialists at operating system OS X. That is, all Apple laptops (MacBooks) can also receive instant notifications in the notification area. For example, from social networks. This is convenient because you can reply to messages to friends or track the latest news on your page without going into the application. And this is often used on mobile devices.

Wap push messages

This is also one of the types of notifications. But their main difference from instant messages from applications is that these messages contain links to various Internet resources. Having opened such a notification, the operating system prompts you to select a browser with which you can open the page. Unless, of course, the user has previously defined some browser as the default one. By default, in this case, all links from wap push messages are opened in it. Many companies that send newsletters to their customers have already switched to this notification method. Which is convenient both for users who do not need to read text, and for senders, who thus increase their client base and views on the site.

Apple. How to enable push?

Having appreciated the beauty of instant notifications, many are wondering how exactly to enable them. It is not so difficult. So, how to enable push notifications on iPhone, iPad, iPod? It's quite simple. First you need to enter the settings (gear icon on the device desktop). Then scroll to the area where all installed applications. After selecting the desired one, the settings of the selected program will be displayed on the right side of the screen. There is always an area where you can choose a notification method. Opposite push, you need to scroll until it changes its color to green. Additionally, you can set the sound settings so that notifications are not only displayed on the screen, but also emit a signal that can be heard if the device, for example, is in your pocket. Notably, all push notifications can be viewed by swiping down from the top of the screen. This is relevant when there are a lot of notifications from various applications, and the user does not have time to read them for some reason. You can disable push notifications in the same way as enable them. All manipulations are performed from the notification center, which is located in the settings.

Android gadgets

Most mobile device users are familiar with them, so for many it is no secret how exactly to enable push notifications. Android allows you to send instant message from almost every application. There are, of course, exceptions, but this depends not so much on the system itself as on the program developers. Or because it is installed old version applications that simply did not yet have this option. Opening the desired program, the user needs to go to the settings (most often they are displayed as three horizontal bars or a gear), go to the part where notifications are described. This is where push messages are enabled or disabled.

Is this really necessary?

Many users do not want to receive a lot of notifications from minor and not the most popular applications. Therefore, you can simply turn off push messages in the settings so that they do not bother you. But in useful and popular applications, on the contrary, turn it on. Thus, notifications from social networks are most often in demand, mail programs, some games.

Not notifications are coming.

Sometimes it happens that notifications do not arrive in VK. Why this can be difficult to answer right away, since there may be several reasons for this.

How set up notifications for android

By the way, recently a virus has appeared that causes completely the opposite discomfort. It sends you notifications that your friend asks you to join a certain community or go to a website.

You can also see such notifications without having a virus. For example, go to a garbage site (the so-called sites that do not care about their visitors and post dozens of intrusive and often extortionate advertisements) and most likely in the lower left corner there will be a notification similar in appearance to that in contact.

Most often, in such a message, a pretty girl approaches you and invites you to take a walk with her. Naturally, this is a hoax and by clicking on this window you will be redirected to a site with prostitutes.

But to prevent this from happening again and not to pay attention to advertising at all, you’d better install an adblock, which I wrote about in the article about how to remove advertising on VKontakte.

Let's look together at ways to configure notifications. Since there are many types of notifications for a contact, as well as devices from which they access the social network, we will analyze each item separately.

I'm not receiving notifications from the contact on my iPhone:

If push notifications on iOS devices do not show notifications, then the matter is most likely that you have disabled this function in the settings.

Follow the instructions in the pictures and set up notifications as you see fit.

This is the first option if notifications are disabled in the settings of the phone itself.

And this is the second option:

You probably realized that in this case, all notifications are set in the settings of the VKontakte application. For the iPad everything is the same, but these screenshots were taken on an iPhone.

Notifications do not arrive on Android:

Although the operating systems are different, setting up notifications is the same. In the settings of your Android phone or tablet, find information about notifications and check the box next to “show on locked screen” and push-notifications.

You can also enable an option in the settings for any phone and tablet that supports SIM cards, thanks to which you will receive SMS messages when someone writes to you. True, they will arrive after 5 minutes and only if you do not read the message on the site.

If you do not receive this type of notifications on the site in VK, then you can configure what notifications you would like to see in the “settings” tab. this should only be done with full version contact.

P.S. If you encounter such a problem that application notifications are not displayed, then more likely This function needs to be enabled either in your page settings or in the application settings and it is better to uncheck the “translate the application into status” checkbox at the same time.

You can also make a flash notification. Also very useful feature, only people sometimes think that they are being photographed when the phone is pointed at them and they write or call you.

4 comments: Notifications are not received.

On iPad, Today and Notifications views may contain fewer widgets than on iPhone. For example, the Promotions widget may be missing.

I have all the settings (both on the phone and in the application itself) as needed, there is a check mark everywhere for them to arrive. But he is silent.

I’m not receiving email notifications from messages in groups... how?

I have a problem: all notifications are turned on, but nothing comes, no messages, no notification about playing an audio recording. I connected all the necessary notifications, but they don't work. What should I do?


How to enable Push notifications. How to turn it on Push notifications. How to set up to receive push notifications from Facebook on. How to turn off unnecessary notifications on Galaxy S3 and. How to turn off unnecessary notifications on Galaxy S3 Samsung smartphones c How to enable. How to set up push notifications on iPhone 4S. How do I turn push notifications on or off? How turn on or push notifications on tap > Turn on notifications. How to enable push messages for nl-720? How to enable push Send apps to your phone using push Samsung Galaxy S7. Launch viber to enable push notifications. How to install viber on samsung galaxy. how can I disable Push How to enable Push notifications at. How to find a number from other technology users Samsung. time in Kazakh. To find the answer to your question, select the required section from those listed below. How to set up notifications on iPhone and iPad - w3bsit3-dns.com How to set up notifications on There will be instructions on how to turn on your Samsung phone soon.

Hello friends! Today we will talk about push mailing for the site, as another channel of communication with your audience. I’ll tell you how to set up such notifications for your resource using a special service.

Push messages are short notifications that appear as a pop-up window on your computer screen or mobile device. They can be used to inform the audience about news from your site, some offers or affiliate recommendations. Notifications are delivered to those people who have subscribed to your website's push mailing list.

Since June of this year, I have connected such a feature for my blog using the SendPulse service. There have been a lot of similar services appearing lately, I preferred this one. There is a free plan with no restrictions on the number of subscribers and messages.

The only thing is that the “Provided by SendPulse” anchor link is displayed in the subscription request window.

During this time, 156 people subscribed to my blog newsletter. Naturally, there are also unsubscribes, since the articles on the blog are diverse and cannot be relevant to everyone all the time. People unsubscribe, filter incoming information, and this is logical. :)

The delivery rate of notifications is 50% and higher (the maximum was 67%). Click-through rate from 16 to 30%. In the evening, after 19.00, the click-through rate is higher.

In general, if I hadn’t set it up this channel communications, then it would not receive part of this traffic.

I can't call him too intrusive. A subscription pop-up window appears in the blog header without closing the content. You can remove it by unsubscribing with the “Deny” button or subscribe to notifications by clicking on the “Allow” button. I send notifications themselves 1 – maximum 2 times a week (mostly announcements of new blog materials or some kind of affiliate recommendations). Well, there is always the possibility of unsubscribing.

How to enable push notifications for a website? Step-by-step instruction

Register on the site sendpulse.com by clicking on the “Try for free” button.

You can register by email or through a profile on social networks - Google+, Facebook.

After registration, log into your account using the “Login” button.

To work with push notifications, go to the “PUSH” section.

To connect notifications to your site, click on the “Add a new site” button.

Specify the domain, upload a picture (your square logo can be used), which will be displayed in the subscription request window. Choose when the request will appear - I chose when entering the site. Select the type of pop-up window. I preferred the Safari style, which appears in the header and doesn't obscure the content.

Below you can specify your title and text of the subscription request, and set your own labels on the buttons. And see what your subscription form will look like.

When you have completed all the settings on this page, click Next Step.

In most WordPress sites, this code is added to the header.php file. Since WordPress templates are different for everyone, the header code may be in a different file and have a different name. For example, I have this file called top.php

An example of adding in the screenshot below:

Important: when working with the site code, do not forget to save the original view first (do backups). If after the changes something goes wrong, you can always return it to how it was.

After adding the script to the site, click “Check”. If everything was done correctly, a green checkmark will appear next to the site. And also go to your website and see if the subscription request appears.

In "General Settings" you can check the box "Send a welcome push notification after subscribing." This option can be used to give new subscribers some useful gift. That's exactly what I did:

How to send a push message to subscribers?

You can send the first push notification when you already have subscribers by clicking on the “Send push” button.

When sending a notification, select a list of recipients (if you have added several sites to the service). You can also segment subscribers by browser language, region, page from which the subscription was made, date of subscription, browser...

The notification itself contains a title (up to 50 characters), text (up to 125 characters) and a link to which you want to redirect the subscriber. Briefly but succinctly interest the subscriber so that he follows your link.

On the right, you can see how your message will look in different browsers.

For different notifications you can add different pictures(however, this does not work in all browsers). Or always use your website logo or other branding image by which you will be recognized.

By clicking on the “Submit” button, you will immediately send the notification. If you click on the clock icon, you can set delayed sending by selecting the date and time. By clicking on the gear, you can set the push lifetime in the range from 15 minutes to 15 days, configure sending - immediately or gradually, enable or disable utm tags.

Some time after sending, you will be able to see statistics on the notification. To do this, go to the “My mailings” tab. To open details, click on the notification title.

At the top there is a filter that allows you to select mailings from a specific site (if you have several of them).

On the SendPulse service, you can set up auto-mailing by creating a series of notifications (like a series of letters in an email newsletter). You can also set up an RSS-based auto feed. These options are available in the “Automatic Distribution” tab. I won’t dwell on this, since I haven’t set up any series for myself yet.

By selecting the added site in the left panel, you can change its settings - change the image, title and text on the subscription form, pop-up window style, enable/disable the welcome notification, etc.

Here you can see statistics on the site - the number of subscribers, unsubscribes, and mailings sent. And also send a new notification to subscribers of this site.

The “Subscribers” tab displays a list of all those people who have subscribed to your notifications. Opposite each subscriber there is a gear where you can see detailed information(browser, OS, date of subscription, page from which it was issued, activity), disconnect the subscriber or remove him from the list.

Friends, I suggest you look below visual video for the article:

So, push notifications are a good channel for interacting with your audience, which is also worth using. If you haven’t set it up yet, now you know how to do it using the SendPulse service.

If you have questions, I will be glad to answer in the comments.

All the best!

Best regards, Victoria Karpova

Push notifications are an integral part of the iOS operating system, starting with its fifth version. They use always-open IP connections to deliver information from the server to the client. With their help, iPhone and iPad owners receive information about the receipt of new letters Email, incoming messages in instant messengers, mentions in in social networks and many other actions related to them quickly and without unnecessary problems. In addition to the necessary information, through Push the user can also receive useless data from games and programs that have imposed such alerts on him, which distracts him from business and reduces battery life. iPhone work and iPad (you can read the instructions for increasing the battery life of devices at).
So how do you set up push notifications on iPhone and iPad? 1. ;
2. .

Setting up Push Notifications

2. Go to the “Notification Center” section:

3. Configure notification center settings:

Here you can change the settings for displaying information on notification center screens, enable/disable certain widgets, and make some other adjustments.

4. Select the application whose notifications you want to configure:

5. Define notification style:

It is possible to receive them in the form of small banners that will appear at the top of the screen and quickly disappear, as well as in the form of reminders displayed in the center of the screen (they can be removed only by pressing the corresponding button).

6. Enable/disable the need to display the number of unviewed notifications as a sticker icon on the application shortcut:

7. Enable/disable the need for a notification to be accompanied by a sound signal:

8. Enable/disable the need to save messages in the notification center, using the appropriate menu to determine the required number of such objects:

9. Enable/disable the ability to display application notifications on the device’s locked screen:

10. Return to the previous menu using the “Back” button, select the “Edit” option and configure the order of messages in the notification center:

Error "Connect to iTunes to use Push Notifications"

1. Go to the “Settings” application:

2. Go to the “iTunes Store, App Store” section:

3. Go to the menu for working with Apple ID:

4. Sign out of your Apple ID account:

5. Reboot the device using the usual method - turn it off and turn it on again:

6. Go to the “Settings” application:

7. Go to the “iTunes Store, App Store” section:

8. Enter your Apple ID account login and password and confirm your entry with the “Login” button:

9. If the error persists, perform a complete reset of the device according to.

Thus, by configuring in detail the ability to receive notifications from different sources of each specific application, their type and quantity, you can get rid of annoying imposed information, always stay up to date, and also increase your time battery life devices. Plus, any Push notification-related errors can be easily resolved in a short series of steps.

Push notifications are pop-up windows that appear on the screen of a smartphone or tablet. They show incoming information from various sources, which can be instant messengers, applications or the system of the device itself. Push notifications are available on absolutely all modern devices: be it Apple gadgets or Google tablets. That is, there are Push notifications for iOS, Android, as well as .

Setting up push notifications on devices running operating systems iOS systems, Android and Windows Phone

Recently, the introduction of this function into the computer operating system has become especially popular. The first was Apple company with its own axis for OS X poppies. This is, of course, due to the high efficiency and convenience of push notifications, which have established themselves as the first source of information arriving on a smartphone or tablet. Indeed, it would be stupid to refute such a convenient method of notification: push notifications save RAM devices, since they do not require permanent job programs or applications. Therefore, there will also be Internet traffic.

But besides caring so much about the user and timely notifications, push notifications can be annoying. Why do you need periodic reminders from the Twitter service that a certain user wrote: “I ate an omelette today. Was it delicious? Agree that this message does not carry any useful information load for you. It turns out that not all alerts are very useful. Of course, if you indiscriminately give access to and agree to send you notifications to programs and applications, then you will have millions of them. It’s not entirely pleasant to delete them later, because on some systems you can’t delete everything at once. This makes it necessary to know how to set up and disable push notifications. So let's figure it out correct installation this method of presenting information.

Volume buttons do much more than just increase or decrease the volume of your device's audio. Completely new options and features have been added to this menu, which will undoubtedly be useful to any user. They allow you to switch between alert modes:

  1. “Do not disturb” - all incoming reminders and messages will arrive silently;
  2. “Important” - you will receive only important messages from the program list, which can be adjusted. When you turn it on, you will see a settings tab. Here you can change the operating time of the mode. Moreover, there is a special tab that allows you to configure this mode more flexibly;
  3. “Everything” is the standard operation of the device.

It is worth noting that push notifications configured in this way will be much more useful. Especially convenient is the “Important” mode, where you can easily manage the list of applications to access notifications.

To fine-tune the information windows, just go to the section specially designated for this. It is located in the Settings menu of your device. In it you can, for example, remove notifications on the lock screen, open the notification option for individual programs, and change the list of blocked applications. Another very interesting feature is that in the individual application menu you can optionally select:

  1. Do not show from this application, thereby completely getting rid of the program's news;
  2. Or show them at the top of the list, including when only important notifications are allowed.

You can enable or disable push notifications on iOS using the Settings menu located on the Home screen. You won’t have to search for the required submenu for a long time, because in the operating system it is called “Notifications”. Once you have entered it, you will see a list on the right installed programs on the device. Above some there will be the inscription “turn on”, and above others it will be written “do not turn on”. This means that in the first case, alerts and push notifications are allowed, but in the second, accordingly, they are not. Let's look at a detailed configuration example.

So, it’s on our first list. Click there and go to the alert settings page for this program:

  1. The very first thing we have is the permission for notifications with the corresponding slider. If you move it, you will turn them off. Accordingly, Skype will not notify you of anything;
  2. Our next item is “In the notification center”. It allows you to control the number of recent events displayed in the notification bar (that is, in the notification center);
  3. Sounds. With this slider you adjust the presence of sound for notifications;
  4. Badge sticker. Here you can adjust the presence of a sticker with the number of incoming events on the application icon located on the main screen;
  5. The penultimate setting in this menu is on the locked screen. It is responsible for displaying an alert when the tablet or smartphone screen is locked;
  6. Well, the last thing is the warning style on the unlocked screen. The first one with such a categorical word “No” removes all visual notifications. Banners are a line at the top of the screen. Well, and “Warnings”, which are displayed in a rectangle in the center of the screen with answer options. In fact, they are all clearly shown on the notification settings page.